How to iron on a Custom Patch

Exciting news – your tailor-made patch is finally here and you’re eager to showcase it!

However, you might be scratching your head, wondering how to fasten this unique patch to your apparel.

No worries! We have crafted an uncomplicated guide to seamlessly attach your freshly delivered custom patch. Your attire will be transformed and display-ready in a flash!

Guide to Ironing On Your Custom Patch Preparation is Key: Make sure your apparel is cleaned, dry, and smooth. Adjust the iron to the appropriate temperature. Pre-heat the chosen spot before setting down your patch. Use a towel as a barrier and press with the iron for about 90 seconds. Examine to ensure the patch is fixed properly. Turn your attire inside out. Allow the apparel to cool down. Voila! Your outfit is set to impress! Essentials for the Process Your exclusive iron-on patch A lightweight tea towel or cloth An iron Ironing stand Ironing Your Custom Patch: Detailed Walkthrough With your essentials in place, here’s a methodical approach to attach your special patch to your outfit.

  1. Prep Your Clothing

First things first. Ensure your outfit is in prime condition for the process. It should be clean, dry, and free of creases. Spread it out on the ironing stand.

  1. Tweak the Iron Settings

Depending on the fabric of your clothing, adjust the iron settings. For delicate materials like fleece, keep it at a low setting. Cotton or polyester can endure medium to high heat. And for robust fabrics like denim or canvas, turn up the heat. If your iron has fabric-specific settings, select the one that aligns with your garment.

  1. Warm Up the Desired Spot

Iron the specific region of the outfit where you plan to set the patch. This warms up the adhesive on the patch and helps it meld with the cloth.

  1. Shield and Press

Position the patch perfectly on the selected area. Shield it using a lightweight tea towel or cloth.

Apply consistent pressure with the iron in a gentle circular motion for around 90 seconds. Don’t forget to give extra attention to the patch’s borders and tips.

  1. Inspect the Patch’s Adherence

Gently pull the patch to check its fixation. If it’s not adhering properly, you might need to use a new patch. If all’s good, proceed further.

  1. Invert Your Outfit

After confirming the patch’s fixation, turn your clothing inside out. Again, lay the cloth over the patch and repeat the ironing for about 30 seconds.

  1. Cooling Time

Remove the barrier cloth and confirm the patch is firmly in place. It should stay put even when you move. If not, you might need another round of ironing. Once everything seems perfect, allow it to cool.

  1. Step Out in Style!

Flaunt your revamped attire and brace yourself for praises!

Queries Answered Got more questions about the ironing process? Here are some FAQs for clarity.

Is Direct Ironing on a Patch Safe? Avoid direct contact. Always use a cloth barrier between the patch and iron to protect the fabric and prevent adhesive residue.

How Can I Ensure My Patch Stays On? Start with a low iron setting and use a barrier cloth. Apply consistent pressure until the adhesive bonds with the fabric. Iron the reverse side for added adherence. Let it cool thoroughly before wearing.

Which Fabrics Work Best with Iron-on Patches? While cotton is highly recommended due to its heat tolerance, always verify the manufacturer’s guidelines for heat limits. If unsure, test on a small fabric piece first.