Where To Put Patches on a Biker Vest

The Signature of Biker Culture: The Black Leather Vest and Its Patches

The essence of biker culture radiates a bold, rebellious vibe, and nothing epitomizes this spirit more than a classic black leather vest adorned with patches.

Biker patches, stitched onto vests, serve as symbols of a rider’s affiliations and distinct personality. However, before embellishing your vest with these badges, it’s crucial to understand their rightful placement. Misplacing patches can inadvertently offend other bikers or clubs.

Dive in to explore the most fitting placements for your motorcycle vest patches.

Top 5 Ideal Motorcycle Vest Patch Locations


Biker patches are more than just adornments – they’re emblematic, steeped in tradition and symbolism. Here’s a guide on where to best place them:

  1. Collar: A patch here is highly noticeable. Sometimes, it can indicate a pivotal role, such as club president or vice president. In other scenarios, it signifies a particular duty or title, like a road captain or sergeant-at-arms.
  2. Front Chest: Typically, the left chest spot is earmarked for the club emblem, ensuring instant recognition of one’s allegiance. Name badges are ideally positioned on the left, close to the heart, showcasing a rider’s moniker. For those holding significant positions, their title is stitched below the name. The right section, meanwhile, is reserved for celebrating personal milestones, achievements, or certifications.
  3. Back Center: This spacious region is perfect for the club’s primary patch, often referred to as the “colors”, embodying the club’s identity – name, emblem, and origin. However, additional patches symbolizing diverse interests can be placed above this primary patch. A key point: This section should never flaunt a club’s emblem unless one is a genuine member.
  1. Side Panels: The vest’s sides and arms serve as canvases for patches from events or journeys. Motorcycle events often have vendors selling patches, allowing riders to commemorate their adventures. Additionally, this space is apt for showcasing affiliations that don’t clash with the primary club, such as an American Motorcyclist Association badge, emphasizing a commitment to the biker lifestyle.
  2. Lower Rocker: Often referencing the vest’s bottom rear section, the lower rocker is apt for curved patches aligning with the vest’s contour, ideal for club mottos or slogans. While there aren’t stringent rules for this space, many riders opt for tribute patches in memory of departed members. These can be neatly arranged in rows or distributed across the vest.

Common Queries


Where are biker patches typically positioned? Predominantly on vests or jackets, which stand as the approved canvases within the biker community. This setup facilitates effortless identification of a rider’s affiliations and milestones. As tempting as it might be to brandish logos on parts like saddlebags or fuel tanks, it’s a strict no-no in the biker code!